

- To make continuous quality improvement, so as to provide customers and the society with safe, reliable, applicable and environment-friendly railway traction rolling stocks of high quality. In condition of cost effective and superior quality; increasing our competitiveness in foreign and domestic markets, keeping the customer satisfaction at highest level as much as we can, providing product and service according to the timely and determined conditions with respect of domestic and international standards, directives and law without making no concessions of quality, providing training to the personnel about the quality management.

- Total attendance and full support of all our staff is essential requirement

- To provide quality; opportunities of being in conformance with international standards and continuity quality, giving the right, fast and trustworthy service at the first time, providing the safe, healthy and comfortable working environment have been purpose for our company.

- To provide application for items of ISO 9001:2015 which are applicable in our plant.

Those items above are our integrated policy.

- As a leading company in the field being aware of our responsibilities towards the environment and society, our target is;

-      Minimizing the internal and external factors affecting the pollution of the environment,

-      Using resources effectively and rationally,

-      Implementation of recycling technology,

-      Organizing education and awareness activities related to the quality and environment both inside and outside the company, to support such activities,

-      Providing continuous improvement

-      Fulfilling the obligations arising from the present law,

-      Adopting and fulfilling the quality and environmental management system to ensure quality and environmental awareness systematically and regularly in all activity fields,


We are committed to comply with the requirements of IRIS, ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System, ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System Standard and TS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Standard.

Our Mission

Closely following the sectoral developments all over the world, providing innovative solutions to customers without making concessions of quality, keeping the customer satisfaction always at the highest level, assuming and sustaining that success is the most important value with our employees and solution partners.

Our Vision

Bringing the best and newest products and services to our customers, suppliers and employees in railway sectors with all of our reputation, reliability and high quality standards.